A still from I Am The Rose Queen, video below. What follows are a series of small soft sculptures made from pieces of uniforms associated with football, a mirrored piece I made titled Billie Jean King, with an engraved quote from her, Sexy Savior, a performance, sculpture and installation, and Parallel, a piece I collaborated on with friend and artist Jesus Benavente at the Austin Museum of Art, now the The Contemporary Austin, in 2011. All works made in Texas, where I'm from.
I Am The Rose Queen was inspired by an annual rose parade that was held in Tyler, Texas, where I went to high school. The piece does a sort of mock performance of the parade in which I am the only participant, questioning notions around the relationship between performer and audience, "fake it till you make it" American mentality, and traditional femininity.
Parasol, 2009
A collaborative performance with Brenda Joy Llano in which we participate in an actual parade hosted annually in Austin, TX, dressing up as little girls having a tea party.